Marriage and the Family

2024 Legislative Session, In Review

In addition to headlines on our front web page, the following items were important this legistlative session: BETTER PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN FROM PORN BECOMES LAW!  Access to harmful pornographic images is as close as the smartphone that we–and many of our children–carry with us each day.  A new Kansas law will now help cut down …

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Legistlative Update for February 25, 2024

TAX REFORM BILL FAILS OVERRIDE VOTE In a surprising development, the Kansas House failed to override Governor Kelly’s veto of a Republican-led tax reform plan.  84 votes are needed to override a veto.  The final tally in the House on HB 2284 was Yea: 81 Nay: 42. A Senate override vote has not been scheduled. …

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2023 Legislative Session in Review

A strongly supported bi-partisan Kansas state law prohibiting live dismemberment abortions was challenged as unconstitutional by the abortion industry in 2015. The Kansas State Supreme Court agreed in their infamous Hodes v. Nauser ruling, issued on April 19, 2019. Not only did that ruling allow live dismemberment abortions to proceed, but it also went much further …

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More 2023 Legislative Session Results

Fairness in Women’s Sports Act SUCCESSUL VETO OVERRIDE The Senate voted 28-12 and the House 84-40 to override the Governor’s veto of this bill that simply says, biological girls will only compete in athletic competition against other biological girls. THIS IS NOW THE LAW IN KANSAS. Women’s Bill of Rights: SUCCESSFUL VETO OVERRIDE The Senate …

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Payday loan reform, School Choice, and more…

EFFORRTS TO SUPPORT WOMEN IN UNPLANNED PREGNANCIES are moving through the legislative process.  HB 2135 and SB 96 are tax credit bills for pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) that passed out of committee and will soon be on the House and Senate floors for debate.  The idea is to incentivize donations to these organizations so they can better …

Payday loan reform, School Choice, and more… Read More »

Legislation we’ve been working on in the 2023 Session.

The Kansas Catholic Conference focuses on three main areas: Life, Marriage and Families, and Religious Liberty. Here is a brief list of other bills we have been supporting and/or following. · SB 118: Expanding the duties of the secretary of health and environment when investigating maternal deaths to include promoting continuity of care, helping develop performance …

Legislation we’ve been working on in the 2023 Session. Read More »

2019 Legislature in Review

The Kansas Catholic Conference 2019 Legislative Review If the 2019 Kansas Legislative “Veto Session” ended at 3:08 a.m. on Sunday, May 5, our next round of work at the Kansas Catholic Conference began at 3:09 a.m.! This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much.  The point is that our work never …

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Defense of Adoption Act a Top Priority For Kansas Catholics

December 7, 2018 Politicians campaigning one way then governing differently are as American as Mom and apple pie. Case in point: Kansas Governor-elect Laura Kelly. “Candidate Kelly” projected the image of a reasonable, reach-across-the-aisle moderate, talking up issues like school funding, health care and the economy. Once safely elected, the narrative changed. During Kelly’s first …

Defense of Adoption Act a Top Priority For Kansas Catholics Read More »