Both the House of Representatives and the Senate debated, voted and approved the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, also known as HB 2313. The bill simply states that if a child is born alive from an attempted abortion, that child deserves proper medical care and treatment for any child of their gestational age. No matter how you feel about abortion, a baby born alive should not be left alone to die on a cold steel table.
One would think this would be a basic act of human compassion not requiring legislation. Regretfully, this is not always the case.
We invite you to check out and read the stories of men and women across America who have survived their abortions and are alive to tell their story.
The final vote in the House was 88-34, passing with bi-partisan support. If you would like to see how your Representative voted, click the below link.
To watch the House debate on HB 2313, click the link below. Please note the debate on HB 2313 starts around hour 1:31.
The bill also passed in the Senate with bi-partisan support, with a final vote of 31-9. To see how your Senator voted, click the below link.
To watch the Senate debate on this bill, click the link below. Please note the debate starts around hour 8:36.
Chemical abortion like that depicted in the movie Unplanned is the most common form of abortion in Kansas. Data from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) shows nearly 70% of all Kansas abortions are through a chemical abortion, also known as the abortion pill. This is a two-step, two-pill process. The first pill is mifepristone, which blocks the unborn child from receiving the crucial hormone progesterone. The second is with misoprostol, to help expel the child from the mother’s uterus.
In many cases, women have quickly regretted their decision after taking the first pill. Thankfully, when this happens, there may still be an opportunity to reverse the impact of the abortion pill and save the unborn child. This is done through the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). APR, if taken in time, provides progesterone, a key hormone the unborn child needs for growth. Studies have shown for this to have a 64-68% success rate.
Many women are unaware that this option exists. HB 2439, if passed and signed into law, will require all entities who administer the abortion pill to inform women about APR. Women deserve the right to know this crucial information.
To watch the hearing on HB 2439,
To watch the House debate, (note starts at hour 8:48:05)
To see how your Representative voted,
Also, if you or someone you know would like additional information on the Abortion Pill Reversal, please visit or call the hotline at 1-877-558-0333.
SB 180, Women’s Bill of Rights, is a bill that simply solidifies into state statute the definition of a woman.
The Senate debated and voted on this bill back in February, passing with a vote of 26-11. This past week the House had their opportunity to debate and vote on the bill. The bill passed, 83-41, with bi-partisan support.
If you would like to know how your Representative voted, click on the below link.
To watch the debate, click the YouTube link below. Debate for SB 180 starts at hour 8:26.
Nearly one-half of the Kansas State Budget is dedicated to education. Education is the great equalizer in our society and the Catholic Church has a long tradition of providing high quality education to all, no matter the cost. Our efforts in the current legislative session have been on expanding these opportunities, particularly to low-income students and families.
Several education ideas and proposals converge in SB 83. The bill would allow for an educational savings account (ESA’s), pay raises for teachers, and increased funds for special education. This passed the House by a tight vote of 64-61. To see how your representative voted, click the following link,
Currently the bill is being discussed in an Education Conference Committee made up of both House and Senate members.
In wake of the defeat of the Value Them Both amendment last August, the abortion industry is reporting record numbers of abortions, including great numbers of women coming here from throughout the Midwest. We will not abandon moms and babies! The Kansas Catholic Conference is helping promote financial help for pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. One bill creates a tax credit for those who donate to a Kansas pregnancy resource center and/or maternity home. The other would create an Alternative to Abortion grant program. These efforts will be fine-tuned by the Legislature in the week ahead. Once approved, legislation will be sent to the Governor for her signature of approval into law or a veto.
There have been more than 900 bills introduced during the current legislative session. Only a handful get a hearing and action—even fewer become law. This is but a snapshot. The Kansas Catholic Conference continues to thank you for your attentiveness to what is happening in our Kansas Statehouse.
Please continue to pray for our elected officials.