Updates February 13, 2023

UPDATE 2/13 – RED MASS 2023

On January 23rd, the Kansas Bishops were in Topeka for the annual Red Mass. This Mass is celebrated for the legislature, other elected officials, and state employees, asking the Holy Spirit to provide them with wisdom and guidance in their roles. In years past, the Red Mass has been celebrated directly across the street from the Statehouse at Assumption Church.  However, due to construction, this year’s mass was celebrated at the historic St. Joseph. 


The following day, January 24th, was a day filled with hope and encouragement for the pro-life movement.  Starting in the morning, hundreds gathered to hear the passionate and compelling founder of Live Action, Lila Rose.  Followed by a Mass for Life, celebrated by the Bishops of Kansas and many Kansas priests.  At noon, thousands gathered outside of the Topeka Performing Arts Center and marched to the Capitol.  Where they were joined by pro-life legislators and engaging speakers, including abortion survivor Melissa Ohden.  


The Kansas Catholic Conference played a key role in two rallies inside the Capitol on January 25th.  First, we joined hundreds of students from throughout the state to celebrate School Choice Week. Legislators, educators, students and parents spoke about the importance of allowing parents to choose the best education for their children regardless of zip code or finances. 

Immediately following the School Choice rally, KCC Executive Director Chuck Weber was a speaker at the Stop the Debt Trap press conference and our advocacy for payday loan reform. The KCC is part of a broad coalition seeking a more just payday loan structure—while still maintaining the industry’s existence. The bill we support is HB 2242 and is currently sitting in the House Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee.