Religious Liberty

Kansas Bishops Object to Contraceptive Mandate

September 26, 2011 Kansas’ Catholic Bishops sent a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius today to register their strong disapproval of the new contraceptive mandate put in place by the Obama Administration last month.  In their letter to Secretary Sebelius, the bishops say that the mandate — which requires all health plans to cover prescription contraceptives, …

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Senate Declines to Consider Sexually Oriented Business Bill

May 5, 2011 Yesterday the Kansas Senate voted against a procedural motion that would have pulled the Community Defense Act out of committee and forced a vote on it by the full Senate. The Community Defense Act would regulate sexually oriented businesses and prevent them from being built near churches, schools and homes.  After the …

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House Approves Community Defense Act Regulating Sex Shops

April 29, 2011 The Kansas House voted 96-23 in favor of the Community Defense Act, legislation that would apply time, place, and manner restrictions on sexually oriented businesses.  Included in the bill is language preventing such establishments from building within 1000 feet of churches, schools, parks, and homes.  Statewide regulation is necessary because smaller communities …

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Sex Business Regulations Halted in Senate Committee

March 18, 2011 Yesterday the Kansas Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee voted againstlegislation that would regulate sexually oriented businesses.  The regulations would include a prohibition on building such facilities within 1000 feet of churches, schools, parks, and homes.  The Kansas Catholic Conference testified on behalf of the legislation.

House Votes to Keep Sex Shops Away from Churches & Schools

March 12, 2011 The House Wednesday passed the Community Defense Act, legislation that would prevent “adult entertainment” centers from being built within 1,000 feet of churches, schools, parks and homes.  The legislation now moves to the Senate, where it fell one vote short of passage last year.  The Kansas Catholic offered testimony during a hearing …

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Obama Administration Will No Longer Defend DOMA

February 24, 2011 The Obama Administration has announced that it will no longer defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act.  Anthony Picarello, Jr., General Counsel of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued the following statement: “Marriage has been understood for millennia and across cultures as the union of one man and one woman.  …

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