
Pro-Life Congressmen Introduce Bill to Amend Health Care Legislation

May 3, 2010 Pro-Life members of Congress have introduced legislation that would prevent federal funding of abortion under the new health care reform law recently passed by Congress.  HR 5111, the “Protect Life Act,” would also protect the conscience rights of health care personnel.  The bill would essentially codify the Pro-Life protections that the nation’s …

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Bishops Conference Releases Analysis of Executive Order’s Inadequacies

March 30, 2010 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released an analysis of the executive order negotiated by Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak.  There is virtual unanimity within the Pro-Life community that the executive order will not be able to overrule the provisions on the new health care law that open the door to …

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Stupak-Negotiated Executive Order Insufficient

March 22, 2010 For months Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak had led a group of Pro-Life Democrats who declined to support the health care reform bill unless it contained language applying existing  protections against federal funding of abortion to the bill.  Unfortunately, Congressman Stupak and his remaining holdouts negotiated a deal with the White House.  Under …

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US House Approves Historic, Deeply Flawed Health Care Legislation

March 22, 2010 Late last night, the US House of Representatives passed a health care reform bill that is both monumental in its scope and profoundly controversial in its substance.  While the Catholic Church has for decades supported health care reform and the expansion of access to care that this bill purports to have as …

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Bishop Coakley Urges Catholics Not to be Misled

March 19, 2010 On the heels of the Catholic Health Association’s endorsement of health care legislation opposed by the nation’s Catholic bishops, a letter with 55 Catholic signatories claiming to represent 59,000 women religious has been released also in support of the bill. In response, Bishop Coakley has issued a statement urging Catholics not to be …

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House, Senate Leaders Plan to Proceed Without Fixing Abortion Concerns

March 12, 2010 It appears that negotiations over abortion language between Pro-Life Democrat Bart Stupak and leaders of his party have broken down.  News reports today indicate that the White House and congressional leaders are prepared to move forward with the health care legislation developed in the Senate without addressing the concerns of Pro-Life members …

House, Senate Leaders Plan to Proceed Without Fixing Abortion Concerns Read More »

Health Care Bill’s Immigration Provisions a Concern

March 11, 2010 Immigration advocates and concerned lawmakers are increasing the volume of their objections to language in the health care reform bill that would prevent illegal immigrants from being able to purchase health insurance in the new exchanges with their own money.  Without such access, it is feared that many immigrant families would be …

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White House Health Care Proposal Retains Unacceptable Abortion Provisions

February 23, 2010 This week the White House has unveiled its plan for an overhaul of America’s health care system.  With respect to federal subsidization of abortion, the Obama plan essentially retains the features of the Senate bill, which has been declared unacceptable by the Catholic bishops. The Senate approach opted for by Administration proposal …

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