Prayer Intentions

We invite all legislators, Statehouse and Kansas Government staff, lobbyists and others connected to the work of the State Legislature to submit their prayer intentions for this page. You may be as specific or ambiguous as you like. If you do not wish to have your name published, we will honor that request in confidence. We have assembled a Kansas Catholic Prayer Network who will place your intentions in prayer before Our Redeemer. Please submit your prayer intentions to Kansas Catholic Conference by filling out the form or by emailing Executive Director Chuck Weber at

Prayer Partners:

St. Paul University Parish
Wichita State University

Didde Catholic Campus Center
Emporia State University

Knights of Columbus
Council 1368 in Garnett, KS
Council 11067 in Leawood, KS
Council 727 in Emporia, KS
Council 4708 at Benedictine College

Benedictines of Mary
Gower, MO

Apostles of the Interior Life
Overland Park, Kansas

Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Wichita, KS

Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa
Wichita, KS

Dominican Sisters of Peace
Wichita, KS

Prayer Intentions:

  • Please pray for the repose of the soul of Julia Scott, M.D., daughter of Senate President Susan Wagle and wife of Riley Scott. Julia passed away on March 17 following a long struggle with myeloma. 
  • Please pray for the repose of the soul of former State Representative Greg Lewis who died after a brief struggle with brain cancer on February 17.
  • We pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. Jake Ross of Louisburg, father-in-law of State Representative Jene Vickrey, who died on Sunday, February 17. May he rest in peace.
  • That the Spirit of Wisdom, Counsel and Fortitude may come upon our Governor and Legislators during the 2021 Session as they seek the common good for Kansas.
  • We pray for the passage of the Value Them Both state constitutional amendment for life.
  • For the spouses and families of legislators who serve in Topeka during the Session, that they might be protected and comforted when temporarily separated at this time.
  • For Archbishop Naumann and the Bishops of Kansas, that they find truth, love and clarity in guiding the Kansas Catholic Conference.
  • We ask that special blessings be given to members of the Kansas Catholic Conference staff, that they might discern Our Redeemer’s will in matters of public policy and effectively communicate Catholic priorities to those with whom they work.